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Laser Engraving Acrylic

Introduced to the awards industry in the late 80’s, laser engraving technology transformed the industry. Starting from the days of water cooled lasers that had very large physical footprints, many of today’s low watt lasers are small enough to fit on an office desk.

Our manufacturing team uses two 100 watt Trotec Laser Engravers to expertly engrave text and graphics into acrylic sheet stock and embedded acrylic. Lasers (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) remove incremental depths of the Lucite® acrylic material leaving a frosted grey appearance on the surface. Depending on the depth of the engraving, color can be added by using a paste to color fill the engraved areas. Our team often uses lasers to frost the back of acrylic giving it a sandblasted look with full color UV printing on the front to add depth to the deal toy award. Laser technology has grown beyond its original limitations of surface engraving and often used in large production facilities to manufacture custom shaped trophies out of acrylic.

Rectangle acrylic block with laser engraved text and logo.Lucent™ Acrylic Award with laser engraved text and logo.Black acrylic embedment with laser engraved text and logo.Round acrylic embedment with laser engraved base.

The images above depict some of the ways we use laser engraving in our graphic design process. Laser technology has grown beyond its original limitations of surface engraving and now is used in large production facilities to manufacture custom shaped trophies out of acrylic.