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A timely pick me up...

The power of thank you in the workplace...



Keyboard, coffee cup and post-its with words Thank you.We’re often asked – what’s the best way to start a recognition program for our team?

We can answer that question in a multitude of ways, but our initial advice is to just say Thank You! Two simple words that can have the power of lifting your employees up, dusting them off, and sending them back to work feeling good about themselves.

Based on research by Study Finds, over half of today’s American workers would say they feel unappreciated for their hard work in 2020. And most stated that a simple “thank you” every once in a while, was the most important thing to hear from their manager.



So, what does that mean to the average employer?

In our new work-from-home world – we believe recognition for a job well done can be easily overlooked. With little or no separation for many employees as they juggle working from a home office, trying to manage a household, and taking care of their family – saying thank you may just be the short-term answer to keeping the team intact.

For any of us that have managed people, the last thing we need is to have a team that becomes unproductive or worse yet, thinks the grass is greener on the other side. We all know the difficulty of hiring and training new employees to get them up to speed in a normal work environment, and onboarding today has its own daunting set of challenges.



Pick up the phone…

Saying thank you to an employee may be as simple as picking up the phone and making a call to tell them how much you appreciate the work they do. Though email and text are the new communication norm – making the gesture more personal by making a physical phone call will have a more significant impact. Plus, it will give you an opportunity to catch up, ask how they’re doing, and find out if there’s anything you can do better to help them achieve their goals.



Take the words “Thank You” to the next level.

Creating a corporate employee recognition program today takes creativity and a lot of thought. With all of the options out there, finding the best corporate acrylic award to fit for your business may seem overwhelming. The staff at US Acrylic Awards is committed to helping our clients put together meaningful employee rewards programs and can help you develop one to boost morale in your workplace.




Here are a few ideas to keep in mind when developing a yearly or quarterly employee recognition program:

  1. The main purpose is to thank the employee for a job well done
  2. Make it personal by highlighting the recipient’s hard work
  3. Employees like being recognized in front of management so they feel singled out and special
  4. Explain exactly why the awards are being presented and how the employee met those requirements
  5. Awards should be an opportunity to encourage your entire staff to excel
  6. Managers can be empowered to develop recognition programs within departments
  7. Create awards that highlight the company branding

We find that many employers are doing a great job of keeping up their recognition programs via Zoom meetings. Though recognition online via video meeting may not seem as personal – with the right preparation and presentation it can have a significant impact. Plus, with the help of our fulfilment services – US Acrylic Awards can ship your awards directly to the winners.

Remember that a valued employee who knows they’re appreciated is a happy employee. We’re here to help you develop and implement the best employee recognition program for your business.


Written by noptim... unleash the power

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